How it works - Bill details


When you find a Bill that interests you, you can click on it to find out more. You will then see a page like this one where you will find out where the Bill is in the Parliamentary process. You will also see an overview of what it does and any documents to help you understand it better.

You can vote straight away or read about what the Bill will affect. Don't worry about voting early because, if you change your mind later, you can return and amend your vote. You can do this any time up to's published deadline for each Bill. 

Underneath the 'What will the Bill affect' section you will see how I (Julian) think you should vote. This is my chance to convince you to vote in the way I would if I was not committed to voting as Forest of Dean constituents tell me. It's my privilege as an MP. But if the vote goes against my opinion, I reflect yours. Every time. 

Below the Bill details section you will find the opinions or arguments of other constituents. If you would like to have your voice heard and influence the vote, you can visit the Bill's forum. No-one is anonymous. When you comment, your name will appear as it does on the Electoral Roll.